
Check Out My Different Lifestyle Blog Posts

“Sweet Poison: The Devastating Effects of Excessive Sugar Consumption”

By Bev Bishop / January 17, 2021 /

The purpose of this post is to help you recognize the dangers of hidden sugars lurking in so many of our everyday foods and the devasting effect it has on our health and the health of our children. Sugar is Making ourChildren Sick It is important for parents and caregivers to be aware of the…

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Homemade Ice Cream Cottage Style

By Bev Bishop / July 11, 2020 /

I have always wanted an ice cream maker. A few years ago I did some research and found this gem from White Mountain. It is electric as well as hand-cranked. I love Homemade Ice Cream. As a child, we would make homemade ice cream all the time. We did not have an electric ice cream…

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The Power of Plants – Container Gardening

By Bev Bishop / June 23, 2020 /

The excitement of choosing your annuals for your planters this year has a whole new meaning.  The only thing we have been buying in store for the last two months is groceries. To see all of the wonderful arrays of colors when you walk through the nursery doors brings a smile to your face.  The…

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Summers Dresses and Pretty Sandals – Let’s Get Ready For It

By Bev Bishop / June 12, 2020 /

Summer has been a long time coming and we have had a very stressful spring.  Covid-19 has put us all in a spin.  We have had to adjust to living in a way that we never imagined possible.  Segregation from our family and friends.   Cooped up inside our homes and trying daily to adapt. Summer…

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Covid-19 Let’s Flatten The Curve Before We Take Leave Of Our Senses

By Bev Bishop / May 22, 2020 /

  Our lives as we knew it has completely changed.  Isolation, fear, and social distancing have become the new norm. We worry about our family and friends, wear face masks and gloves when grocery shopping, and wash all of our grocery items when we get home.  Constant hand washing has left our hands chapped and…

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Nature’s Color Palette: Your Nature-Inspired Guide To Color

By Bev Bishop / June 14, 2019 / Comments Off on Nature’s Color Palette: Your Nature-Inspired Guide To Color

Looking At Color From A Different Perspective Summer is right around the corner and you feel a need to change up your decor.  But where do you start?  What color scheme do you use? I know what you are thinking. There are so many choices out there that it seems overwhelming.  How will you ever…

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About Me


“Eat.Live.Design is where you connect with ideas for living a better life"

I have a Miniature Schnauzer called Sofie who is my K-9 assistant.  My two favorite hobbies are reading and cooking.  I love good food, quality wine, kayaking, and chilling out at the cottage.





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