Newer Posts

How To Bake Artisan Bread Like A Pro

By Bev Bishop / July 5, 2020 /

 Bread is my weakness The smell of homemade bread takes me back to my childhood days.  I can picture the fresh loaves of perfectly browned bread, sitting on cooling racks watching the butter melt over their tops.  My Mom made fresh bread every week.  There is no bread quite like your Mother’s bread, every loaf…

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Summers Dresses and Pretty Sandals – Let’s Get Ready For It

By Bev Bishop / June 12, 2020 /

Summer has been a long time coming and we have had a very stressful spring.  Covid-19 has put us all in a spin.  We have had to adjust to living in a way that we never imagined possible.  Segregation from our family and friends.   Cooped up inside our homes and trying daily to adapt. Summer…

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12 Ways To Turn Your Bedroom Into A Cozy Retreat – The Ultimate Post

By Bev Bishop / May 28, 2020 / Comments Off on 12 Ways To Turn Your Bedroom Into A Cozy Retreat – The Ultimate Post

You want to turn your guest bedroom into a cozy retreat. Your family, friends, and overnight guest are important to you. You want them to feel welcome. You need to create a warm, inviting, and cozy environment. First, decide what style you want. You can mix elements from other design styles to keep them fresh. Start with the foundation, a good…

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BBQ Season: How To Grill The Perfect Steak

By Bev Bishop / May 27, 2020 /

  The Best Grades of Beef Canada A/AA/AAA/Prime Grades Canadian Beef Grades:  (A, AA, AAA, Prime) represent 98% of all youthful graded Canadian beef. The grade criteria for these four grades are identical, with the only exception being the degree of marbling.  The Canada Prime grade is virtually identical to the U.S.D.A. Prime grade  Canada…

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Covid-19 Let’s Flatten The Curve Before We Take Leave Of Our Senses

By Bev Bishop / May 22, 2020 /

  Our lives as we knew it has completely changed.  Isolation, fear, and social distancing have become the new norm. We worry about our family and friends, wear face masks and gloves when grocery shopping, and wash all of our grocery items when we get home.  Constant hand washing has left our hands chapped and…

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Asparagus – The King Of Spring Standing Tall and Proud

By Bev Bishop / May 5, 2020 /

Asparagus is one of the first vegetables of spring.  It is so pretty and delicious. Welcome to Spring folks.  What a wonderful time to enjoy the first fresh produce of the season.   When cooking, I like to take advantage of the seasonal fresh produce hitting the market.  You get all the flavour and nutrients from…

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