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Why lighting is more important than furniture, no matter what your designer says

By Bev Bishop / May 21, 2020 /

There are so many things to consider when decorating your home that you do not have the time or inclination to study the lighting for your home in detail. I know how you feel. But you know that feeling you get when you walk into a room where the lighting is just right. Maybe it’s…

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How to Deep-Clean Your Home — The Ultimate Guide

By Bev Bishop / April 2, 2019 / Comments Off on How to Deep-Clean Your Home — The Ultimate Guide

  Your life is so busy that the most you can find time for on the weekends is vacuuming, a quick wipe down of your floors, bathrooms & some light dusting. This will keep your home moderately clean for a time, but eventually your house will need a deep cleaning. This requires some serious planning…

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Why lighting is more important than furniture, no matter what your designer says

By Bev Bishop / December 21, 2018 /

There are so many things to consider when decorating your home.   The time or inclination to study the lighting in detail is not on top of your list. You know that feeling you get when you walk into a room where the lighting is just right. Maybe it’s your neighbours kitchen where you feel like…

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