Good Food, Active Lifestyle and a Well Designed Home Bring Balance to Your Life







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How To Revamp Your Bathroom Without Going Broke

You look through your style at home magazines and longingly stare at the most beautiful put together bathrooms. You would give anything to have a bathroom like that. It looks so serene — like a place to totally destress and unwind. You can picture yourself sipping that glass of wine in the clawfoot tub. You stop daydreaming…

Formal Dining Rooms Are Coming Back After Years Of Casual Dining

Formal dining rooms, who needs them you say. For many over-scheduled families, “dining” has been reduced in recent years to grabbing a plate of food at a kitchen island or on an ottoman in front of a screen. Even in homes that have a separate dining room, the table is regularly piled with papers and…

Why lighting is more important than furniture, no matter what your designer says

There are so many things to consider when decorating your home.   The time or inclination to study the lighting in detail is not on top of your list. You know that feeling you get when you walk into a room where the lighting is just right. Maybe it’s your neighbours kitchen where you feel like…

About Me


“Eat.Live.Design is where you connect with ideas for living a better life"

I have a Miniature Schnauzer called Sofie who is my K-9 assistant.  My two favorite hobbies are reading and cooking.  I love good food, quality wine, kayaking, and chilling out at the cottage.





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